Go to delivercart.co.uk If you already have an account click the “Log In” button OR put your address/postcode in the search box to display the stores that deliver to you.
Go to delivercart.co.uk If you already have an account click the “Log In” button OR put your address/postcode in the search box to display the stores that deliver to you.
If you don’t have an account you can create one by clicking on the “Register” button OR you can create an account at checkout.
Select a store by clicking on the store icon in the middle of the home page.
Select a category to view products.
You can also search for items using the search box at the top centre of the page.
To add an item to your cart, click on the “Add To Cart” button beneath the product.
You can increase or decrease the number of items you want by clicking the +/- buttons.
At any time you can view the items in your cart by clicking the cart icon on the top right corner of the page.
To begin checkout, click the cart icon on the top right corner of the page and click the “Checkout” button.
You will be prompted to log in or register if you haven’t done so already.
Select a delivery date and time slot.
First time customers must add a delivery address.
Include receiver name, full address and mobile number in case we need to contact you.
Enter your card payment details.
Leave additional notes or instructions for your delivery. For example, if you would like your items left at your door or with a neighbour.
Enter a promo coupon code if you have one and click “Apply Coupon” button.
You can adjust the personal shopper tip by clicking % button (100% of the tip goes to the personal shopper).
Click “Place Order” button to complete the order and you will receive an email confirmation. If you wish to shop from another store, complete your checkout and select a store from the homepage.
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